Monday 6 December 2010

Log 2 - Reflections on working collaboratively using Google Docs

So Google Docs isn't an online medical assessment centre!! Its actually a kind of online word processor. It retains all the basic functions of MS Word but the greater advantage is that it allows you to share work with others. You can chose to either share as a Viewer or a Collaborator. A Collaborator will have license to alter any documents shared, whilst a Viewer merely has access to view a secured document.

I have been working on this project on my own but i can see how a collaborative project could be greatly assisted using Google Docs. It eliminates emailing Word documents back and forth and allows instant access to both parties. It would also allow you to both work on the same document, avoiding the issue of synergising two separate pieces of writing into one. I have used the system however, to receive documents from a number of my interviewees, sending me information post interview.
I have equally used the site to give my learning support advisor access to my report concurrently, as I work.

Overall, a very useful tool, allowing you to use an online word processor for free and to share and save your work on an external server. Its ideal for a collaborative project. The only negative is the potential to lose your work, should you lose your internet connection (as I found to my cost!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Klara

    Your opening sentence really made me laugh :-). I found Google Docs very useful like yourself it became my portable USB, I worked on a collaborated project so it was ideal to store shared work there were both party can access. I never though to give my academic advisor access to my account, this would have been really useful.
    Keep up the good work the end is in sight!!
