Monday 19 April 2010

Learning diary 4:

I have had a great response from my employees about my project proposal and have learnt how Chickenshed could really benefit from my fundraising event. One of my employee’s did express a concern to me that I have been thinking about. She informed me that one of the key aims of fundraising at Chickenshed is to uphold the Chickenshed values, so that the company retains its excellent reputation. One way in which I have supported the Chickenshed ethos, is by involving all students that want to perform at the platform event, this way the event will be promoting fairness and equality, thus mirroring the company’s values.

Another issue that has come to my acknowledgement that I have not yet considered is the question of fund distribution. Chickenshed has many departments, but who delegates and decides where the money should go? Should it be spent on students or refurbishments or careers e.c.t. This is one of my projects ethical issues, who decides where the money should be allocated? Who has the authority to say where the money is needed? These are valuable questions, I think it’s important that the students and employee’s have a say as to where they think the raised funds should be distributed.

Learning diary entry 3

What are the best forms of research?
For my project I have found a way to incorporate both quantitative and qualitative research. I have found that both types of research are as important as each other but very different and the data that I have collected from both, again is extremely diverse. I am very fond of the idea of using focus groups as a key source of information. My plan is to ask a group of students at Chickenshed to discuss the subjectivity of fundraising. I intend on reading open statements and documenting the response of the students by using a Dictaphone, which I shall then type up and record. Some of the open-ended statements I used were;

‘Fundraising events are a poor way to gain funds’

‘Fundraising helps create awareness to the cause’

I found this trial exercise very beneficial for my project, as it conveyed the positives as well as negatives to focus group discussions. The research ran over and hour, which was past the scheduled 30 minutes and the issues, became repetitive. However I did gain an in-depth understanding to the student’s perspective of fundraising.
This was a great exercise as it has helped me to know how to modify and conduct a more effective focus group in the future for my research.

revised learning diary 2

20th march
At the beginning of this assignment I found the idea of planning this project rather daunting. I did not original take into account all the elements I had to consider for my final piece. To find a topic, conduct my research, to document all my data ect. However at this moment in time, I feel very happy with my progress. My project is focused on fundraising and my final aim is to plan a successful ‘platform’ fundraiser based on the information I will and have collected. I am extremely interested in event management and fundraising events, in 2008 I actually ran a fundraising event. Even though this was a low scale marketing event, it gave me an insight to the positives and negatives of fundraising. This experience got me thinking. Are events the best way to fundraise? Through my experience, we had a good response and attendance and the students had fun. But I want to create a fundraiser not just for students, but for the public, to achieve not only the funds for Chickenshed, but to secondly create awareness to Chickenshed’s vision and cause. The problem I am facing however at present is the achievability of this proposed concept. Can I alone, plan such a high scale fundraiser?

revised learning journal

15th March
I found the lecture on research methods very helpful as the lecturer used the Powerpoint to break down and talk about different research methods. He used simple visuals of pictures to explain the different ways of researching for my project. In becoming more familiar with the research terminology, I feel more confident in my approach to the methods that I will use in my project proposal. It made me think about being more positive about my research portfolio and to ask more questions about qualitative and quantitative research methods, as I am still confused about this, but I have made some good notes, which has helped me understand research methodologies. I am still indecisive as to what to do for my project. So I have made a spider diagram to help me.

My tutor elaborated on the meanings behind research methods, which really helped me to understand how I can incorporate these methods into my project effectively. The spider diagram has helped me put my project into perspective and has helped me narrow my project topics to two, bullying and fundraising. Out of the two, I think fundraising would challenge my role as a worker-researcher and also benefit my work placement. I have run a fundraiser event before and the proceeds went towards my end of year Chickenshed project for my year. The knowledge and data I collected from this could be used in my project. For my project I would love to design a fundraising event in cooperation with my work placement, Chickenshed, which would include the students work and all, would be invited.